Program Resources
Nutrition Tips
Tools and information to help programs plan menus and select foods that meet the Ministry of Children & Youth Services Student Nutrition Program Nutrition Guidelines.
Webtracker is the database that holds all information related to program activity, finances, annual program renewal and more! Schools use this tool to enter monthly reports and submit receipts.
Review commonly asked questions raised by site coordinators.
Food Safety
Tips and tools for ensuring that all program sites are providing food safely, according to safe food handling practices.
Volunteer Management
Student Nutrition Programs would not be possible without our hardworking volunteers. Learn tips, ideas and strategies for managing volunteer recruitment, recognition and retention.
A list of forms that will be required from program sites throughout the year.
Each program site is required to secure funding from sources other than Food for Learning. In this section you will find ideas and information to help with your fundraising efforts.
Food for Learning does not operate in isolation. Here you will find links to other important partners who are committed to supporting student nutrition programs in Ontario.