Food for Learning programs in Hastings and Prince Edward counties would not be possible without the help of many partners. The support of all partners and donors are greatly appreciated and allows our programs to serve over one million meals and snack each school year.
The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) has created a provincial framework for the delivery of student nutrition programs in Ontario. Funding is provided for food, administration, and coordination to Transfer Payment Agencies, or Lead Agencies, across the province.
Food for Learning is one of three Community Partnership Committees in the South East Region. We are connected with student nutrition programs across the province through Student Nutrition Ontario (SNO). SNO is made up of fourteen Lead Agencies who administer provincial funding from MCYS. SNO is connected as one voice to represent all student nutrition program in Ontario.
The Hastings and Prince Edward Learning Foundation (HPELF) is the Lead Agency for South East Ontario. HPELF is responsible to ensure that provincial standards, regarding program delivery, are met throughout the region. As well, HPELF distributes provincial funding to schools within the region, to operate their student nutrition programs. This is accomplished through three Community Partnership Committees: Food for Learning (Hastings and Prince Edward counties); The Food Sharing Project (Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington counties) and Food for Thought (Lanark County).
Through SNO, Food for Learning is pleased to be working with various provincial partners who support our programs by providing significant financial and in-kind contributions. Collectively these organizations operate with the common purpose of providing nutritious meals and snacks to children and youth while at school.
Please click on the links to learn more about these organizations: